Friday, January 24, 2020

World History- Week of 01/27/20

Bell Ringer: Modern Olympics
Agenda: Olympics Discussion/6-3 Persian Wars Review/Discussion
Objective: Recognize the events of the Persian Wars. 

Bell Ringer: Impact of Persian Wars
Agenda: 6-4 Age of Pericles Reading/Summary/Discussion
Objective: Recognize the impact Pericles had on Athens during its Golden Age.

Bell Ringer: Athenian Golden Age
Agenda: 6-5: Peloponnesian War Reading/Summary/Discussion
Objective: Recognize the causes & events of the Peloponnesian War.

Bell Ringer: Peloponnesian War
Agenda: 6-6: The Glory that was Greece: Greek Logic/Philosophers Reading/Discussion
Objective: Identify philosophers who shaped political thought in Greece.

Bell Ringer: Peloponnesian War
Agenda: 6-6: The Glory that was Greece: Greek Philosophers/Greek Achievements Diagram
Objective: Identify philosophers who shaped political thought in Greece.

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