Friday, January 24, 2020

Civics- Week of 01/27/20

Bell Ringer: Presidential Qualifications
Agenda: 9-3 Presidential Selection Review/9-5 2017 PA Primary Research WS
Objective: Understand how the process of choosing a president has changed overtime

Bell Ringer: Role of the Vice President
Agenda: 9-4 Presidential Nomination Review/Discussion/PA Primary WS Review
Objective: Analyze whether or not the nominating system allows Americans to choose the best candidates for president

Bell Ringer: Caucus vs. Primary
Agenda: 9-5 Presidential Election Review & Discussion/ WS Packet Due
Objective: Recognize how the election process serves the goals of American democracy

Bell Ringer: Electoral College System
Agenda: Review for Chapter 9 Test
Objective: Become prepared for a test on Chp. 9 "The Presidency"

Bell Ringer: Test Prediction
Agenda: Chapter 9 "The Presidency" Test
Objective: Demonstrate knowledge on Chp. 9 "The Presidency"

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